7 Skincare Hacks on a Budget


7-Skincare-Hacks-on-a-budget-maintain_skin_hydration-hacks-beauty-hacks-beauty-tips-skincare-hacks1. Coconut Oil for a Moisturizer – if you don’t have expensive wrinkle cream, not to worry, just apply Organic Coconut oil to face each night to help with fine lines and wrinkles. This will also keep your skin soft and supple by applying it onto slightly damp, freshly showered skin at night to lock in your skin’s natural moisture and keep it from getting dry.

2. Sugar lip scrub – A scrub helps gently remove dead skin and freshen your lips so you can reboot your pout. Add 1tbsp. honey or olive oil to 2 tbsp. of sugar to make the mix pasty (I prefer white—it’s grainier). You can also add a drop of peppermint if you like a nice smell; and peppermint also makes the lips plumper. Just scrub it on your lips to exfoliate, leave on for a minute or two, then wipe or rinse it off. Moisturize with lip balm afterward.

3. Collagen Facial Mist – Fill a spray bottle with distilled water and add 5 drops of Rosehip oil to it. Rosehip oil contains vitamin A, helps nourish dry skin and can help increase collagen production; then just spray it on whenever you need a refresher.

4. Cleanse with Coffee Scrubs – Use coffee grounds and/or pods to exfoliate the body. Add 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil to your used coffee pods. It helps with cellulite and improves circulation. After washing, massage the scrub onto wet skin, then rinse with warm water.

5. Lemon Juice – Lemon juice has many amazing benefits and raw lemon juice is well known for its antioxidants properties and is rich in Vitamin C. Some benefits of lemon juice for your skin are: reduce acne, acts as a natural astringent, reduce oiliness, lightens freckles, removes blemishes and diminishes scars and age spots, exfoliates and brightens the skin. If your skin is very dry do not apply lemon juice directly as it may increase the dryness. Use a combination of honey and lemon juice instead. The same goes for sensitive skin.

6. Self-Tan Mishaps – If you ever had a self-tan mishap, take 1 tbsp. of sugar to ½ a lemon; adding the sugar on top of the lemon and scrub really well. Once you scrub for a bit and you see that the self-tan is coming off, then rinse with warm water and pat dry. This is just a great way to remove uneven self-tan streaks.

7. Dry Cracked Feet – Cover your feet in Vaseline and put on socks at bedtime, in the morning your feet will thank you!

Image via: Web


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