9 Summer Beauty Essentials To Pack For Your Holiday

9 Summer Beauty Essentials To Pack For Your Holiday

9 Summer Beauty Essentials To Pack For Your Holiday

It’s holiday season! Which means time in the sun, lounging on the beach, and exploring exotic countries. It also means trying to pack two weeks’ worth of belongings into one bag. Holiday packing is never fun, but you can avoid the luggage re-shuffle at the check in desk by packing sensibly. With all the beauty product inspiration on allsalonprices.com, it can be easy to overpack. But, you need slightly different (and less!) beauty products when you are going abroad, so here are the essentials.

Sun Cream

If you only pack one thing, it has to be sun cream. Whether you’re spending the day on the beach, or sight-seeing ancient buildings, you must wear sun cream. Go for a higher SPF and protect your sensitive skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Try a lighter cream specifically for the skin on your face, as it will feel less greasy and is less likely to bring you out in spots.


Sun and salt can have a dramatic effect on your skin. It’s important to moisturise on holiday and keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Try a cooling after-sun for combatting any sunburn or sore bits, and apply night cream on your face as air-conditioning can be very damaging.

Face cleanser

After a day outside in the sun, your face is going to be pretty grimey. Pack a good cleanser to wash all the sweat and toxins off at the end of the day. Sun cream and products can build up and clog your pores, so keeping your face fresh in a vital step to having clear summer skin.


A pretty obvious ones. If you’re holidaying in a hot country (or anywhere) you’re going to get hot and sweaty. Make sure you’re ready for it!

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

A lot of hotels will provide basic soap and shampoo, but you will need to take your own toothpaste and brush. If you’re travelling on a long haul flight it can be a good idea to take a travel set on the plane. Brushing your teeth can really freshen you up after 7 hours of flying!

Straighteners or Curlers

The hotel may provide a hairdryer, but rarely other styling devices. If it is really hot and humid, you may be better to go for up-dos though.

Sea Salt Spray

When your skin starts to tan, and your hair colour lightens from the sun, sea salt spray is the perfect product to give you those beachy, tousled curls. Spray a bit on damp hair and scrunch your hair to give texture and body.

Tinted moisturiser

Heavy, full coverage foundation may be too much on a warm holiday. But a tinted moisturiser or BB cream is light enough to be comfortable, but still offering a base for your makeup. Some have an SPF rating as well but make sure you still use sun cream as well just to be sure.

Waterproof mascara

Some people go without makeup on the beach. But if you prefer to keep your daily routine try waterproof mascara and eyeliner to avoid panda eyes after a splash in the sea!

xo ❤

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