Why Women Should Lift Weights

If your workouts currently consist of high-energy classes or and yoga, and you aren’t seeing the results you want for the new you, you should explore resistance and weight training. Some women fear that weight training will make them look bulky from building muscle, or that muscle will turn into fat if they stop. This isn’t true. In fact, to stay healthy, adults should take part in both aerobic exercise and strength training every week.

Weight lifting, like these dumbbell chest exercises for a killer workout, has a lot of benefits that will make you healthier, stronger, and leaner. Speak to a fitness trainer next time you’re at your gym and tell them your fitness goals. You might be surprised by how many exercises that involve weight training that they suggest to you, rather than just focusing on cardio.

Here are some of the main benefits of lifting weights for women.

Improved Fat Loss

When you lift weights, you build lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will work. Weight training boosts your metabolism, and burn more calories, meaning you can reduce your body fat and lose weight. For every pound of muscle you can build, you can burn an extra 30 to 50 calories every day.

Enhance Your Mood and Reduce Stress

Exercise releases endorphins, which will improve your mood and fight depression. Women who strength train find that they feel more confident and capable.

Gain Strength Without Bulking

Women don’t usually gain much size from strength training. This is because women have less testosterone than men, which means that you will develop muscle tone and definition without the added size.

Reduce Your Risk Of Injury, Back Pain, and Arthritis

Weight training will strengthen your muscles, and will also increase your bone density. This reduces your risk of fractures and broken bones. Lifting weights also builds stronger connective tissues and increases your joint stability, making you less likely to be injured.

Lifting weights can also increase your spinal bone density, and make your spine stronger and healthier. If you combine this with enough calcium in your diet, you can defend against osteoporosis, which can be a big problem for women later in life.

Strength training can also help to correct poor posture, making your back and core strong, fighting lower back pain.

Improve Your Athletic Performance

Having a strong body can help you with other sports too, as you will be faster, more agile, more powerful, and have better endurance.

Weight training can help your body to adapt to different sport situations, and what you face in daily life. Incorporate aerobic exercise and strength training to make the most of it and perform better.

Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease And Diabetes

Weight training can help you to improve your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol, increasing good cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure. Weight training helps the body to process sugar more effectively, which can reduce the risk of developing diabetes.


Ann-Marie x






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