Merry Christmas, you special people! Now, what’s this all about? Christmas? It’s a time when you’re meant to give things to people, isn’t it? Presents and money and… well, the list goes on. And on. But what about if we stopped spending money and thought about the meaning of Christmas and the reason for the season, like all good people should do? How many times have we been told to do just that? Loads? Lots? Well, now’s the time to put it all into action because it’s Christmas, and you need to make sure everyone – and we do mean every single person – has a good time!
Donate To Charities
You’re probably pretty lucky in your comfy home with your friends and family and all the things you could want around you, but there’s something you need to remember (even if it’s really not a nice thing to think about) – it is all about luck. There are so many people who are not as lucky as you and don’t have all those things.
Now, you can just think there but for the grace of whatever you believe in and move on, or you can do something to make everyone’s Christmas a better one and donate to charity. That money you were going to spend on more tinsel? Give it to a homeless shelter. The extra turkey or that cheese board that’s only going to go to waste? Give it away! You’ll feel fantastic (and fantastically festive), and your good deed will help make someone’s Christmas a good one.
Donating money and ‘things’ (like the food we mentioned above) isn’t always possible. You might not have that much to spare, after all. That’s fair – everyone has their own financial situation, and it’s none of anyone else’s business.
But if you can’t donate cash or ‘things’, there’s always time. That can actually be an even better thing to do, and it’s definitely more personal, which can make all the difference at this time of year, and it can make someone who was having a bad Christmas have a good one instead. So why not volunteer? All you need to do is help out at a local shelter or food bank or soup kitchen, and the impact you’ll have on someone’s life could be huge.
Support Small Businesses
We’ve just spent the last few paragraphs telling you that Christmas isn’t all about money and that it’s actually about helping people and doing good, so why are we now about to tell you to spend money?
It’s because it makes a difference when you spend money with small, independent businesses instead of big chain stores or well-known online stores. Firstly, you’ll improve the local economy, and that helps tons of people (including you, in a roundabout way!), and secondly, you’ll be helping the business owner who, if they’re running a small business, are going to be right there on the frontline, getting stressed and tired and doing their best. If a lot more people can buy local and small, those hardworking men and women will definitely have a good Christmas.