Caudalie Glycolic Peel Mask



Caudalie-Glycolic-Peel-Mask-002In April Caudalie launched four new face masks: Glycolic Peel Mask, Instant Detox Mask, Purifying Mask, Moisturizing Mask, retailing for US/CAD $39.00 each for 75 ml/2.5 fl oz. These masks are each designed for different needs. I picked up the Glycolic Peel Mask from Sephora and today’s review will be on it.

The Caudalie Glycolic Peel treatment tightens pores, reduces oil, renews skin texture, and provides an immediate burst of radiance to your complexion in as little as 10 minutes. It contains Viniferine for a brightening effect as well as papaya enzymes and glycolic acid to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. It has a rich, creamy texture and a very pleasant fresh and exotic smells. It has just a really pleasant and lovely smell.

Caudalie-Glycolic-Peel-Mask-003It is a non-irritating exfoliant that activates cellular renewal, diminishes dark spots and provides instant radiance for fresh, bright and even skin. It contains an array of powerful active ingredients— viniferine, papaya enzymes, and glycolic acid—that work together to brighten, lighten, and create an even, luminous complexion. This is by far the gentlest peel mask I’ve ever tried and was quite surprise how gentle it was on my skin since the words that stood out to me were “Glycolic” and “Peel”. This is a very creamy mask and you will not experience any dryness, cracking or discomfort. There was no tingle or burn either. Do not expect this peel to function like a “chemical peel”; this peel will show results over time rather than overnight but it is a really good treatment to help remove dead skin from the surface in the gentlest way possible. My skin has a slight brightening effect and the texture is more even.

Caudalie-Glycolic-Peel-Mask-004For those who have spots, imperfections, uneven skin tone, and dull complexion and need an instant boost of radiance, then you may like this mask. You can purchase this mask or any of the other three at Sephora and Caudalie.

Have you tried this one as yet? What are your thoughts?

*Purchased / This post contains an affiliate link(s).

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