It is a question I get from time to time so I decided, why not dedicate a blog post to answering this very question.  So what’s in a name? A blog name that is. When I decided to create this blog, I knew I wanted to cover all things beauty; from makeup, skincare to haircare.

After deciding to start the blog and had chosen a blog niche; I had to then choose a blog name I would love and won’t hate in a week, a year or two years??

What I discovered is, choosing a blog name is hard stuff. You might be saying “Really Ann-Marie; how hard can it be”? Well, it can be excruciatingly difficult… It actually took me a few weeks to decide on a name. Choosing a good name is a hugely important decision as a good blog name can be inspiring and ultimately can help to generate a loyal following.

I wanted a name that would share a bit about who I am as a person but also reflect my innermost feelings on the subject matter I was writing about. 

I began by researching other blogs within my niche for inspiration. After jotting down numerous names I thought I might want to go with, I then began to narrow down my list to the ones that really touched my spirit and would represent to some degree what I was all about. It was also important to keep in mind, the length of the name as I didn’t want something that was too long. Also before I got too excited about the name, it was important to check to see if the domain was available. You cannot imagine how many domains were already taken.  It is also a great idea to ask a family member, a friend, or spouse for their honest feedback on what they think of the name, something I did as well; some family members will be more helpful than others but don’t let that dissuade you. In the end, you’ll know when the name is just right because you won’t be able to stop thinking about it!

So with all that said, that is how I decided on my blog name. Face to Curls is more than just a play on words. It’s an outlet to share personal style and beauty (it’s about my curly hair, my favorite lipstick or blush, to name a few things 🙂); a reflection on my personal taste and style through words and images. It’s where I share the things I love and am passionate about, and in doing so, hope to inspire and engage my readers.

Even with the name, I never wanted to limit this space. More a beauty blog, with some lifestyle and fashion thrown in. I wanted to make it a place where I share whatever interests me and in the process I hope you all find someone you can relate to and enjoy a little bit of everything.


Let me know in the comments below, how did you decide on your blog name?



Ann-Marie x


To be inspired every day, follow Face to Curls on: Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter and Pinterest


*Image source

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