How to Protect Your Child When They’re Adventuring Outdoors

Experiencing outdoor adventures is essential for children’s health and well-being. As they grow, they start to accumulate new experiences that lay the foundations for their future intelligence, wisdom, and creativity.

Although outdoor adventuring is important for youngsters, it also carries safety risks. As a parent, you should always take protective measures to keep your little ones safe while they’re outside exploring the wonders of nature.

Below, we’ve listed some simple but effective things that you can do to protect your child when they’re having fun outdoors.

Consider Sun Protection

Being outside in the sun is essential for vitamin D synthesis in the body, a nutrient that plays a vital role in physical and mental health. However, the UVB rays emitted by the sun can be harmful in high amounts.

Make sure that your children always wear sunblock when playing outside, especially on hot summer days. You can also equip them with kids’ hats, sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothing to provide physical barriers to the sun’s UV rays.

Sun protection minimizes the risk of future skin problems, including skin cancers, in the future.

Supervise Your Children as Much as Possible

Even though it’s important to teach your children how to be independent and to build confidence and self-esteem, you may need to supervise them as they play outside to ensure their safety.

Sadly, there is always a risk of your child sustaining a serious injury or getting harmed by a dangerous individual when they’re outdoors. Make sure they don’t leave your sight for too long (if at all) so you can monitor their activities and location.

Make Sure They’re Drinking Enough Water

When running around, your children will lose more water in sweat, particularly on warmer days. Keep an eye on your little ones as they’re playing outside to check that they’re drinking enough water.

Dehydration can quickly lead to dizziness, fatigue, and even fainting in serious cases. Refill your kid’s drinks regularly throughout the day and encourage them to take sips every so often to avoid dehydration and its associated symptoms.

Use Insect Repellent

When adventuring outside, your kids will likely come across lots of insects. Although you can do little to get rid of insects, you can keep them away from your children using insect repellent.

Lightly applying insect repellent to their clothing can help to prevent bites and stings. Make sure to keep the repellent away from the eyes, mouth, and open wounds. Search for a repellent that contains DEET, as this is an effective compound for keeping those pesky bugs away.

Teach Your Children Basic First Aid Techniques

Equipping your child with basic first aid skills is key to avoiding minor injuries. If your child is old enough to understand the importance of first aid and pick up the general safety techniques: spend some time cleaning and bandaging a wound and administering ice packs.

You’ll still need to monitor and oversee what your children are doing so you can see if they need help or are seriously injured. You should also encourage your kids to ask for help if they encounter a situation beyond their abilities.

Provide Emergency Contact Information for Your Children

Ensure your child has your contact information or another trusted adult’s information easily accessible in an emergency. Teach them how to use a cell phone or memorize important phone numbers for emergencies. Consider using a wearable ID bracelet or a laminated card with essential contact details and medical information.

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