Strategies To Tackle The Most Common Remote Working Issues

Strategies To Tackle The Most Common Remote Working Issues
Photo: Pexels

Working remotely has become increasingly popular in the modern workplace – it is thought over 36 million US employees currently work remotely, and the flexibility to work from anywhere and the potential to boost productivity is an attractive alternative to the traditional office. However, a few common issues can arise when working remotely, such as lack of communication, feeling isolated, and difficulty keeping up with the workflow. By being mindful of the potential pitfalls of working remotely and employing the right strategies to address them, you can ensure that you remain productive and motivated in your remote working environment.

Connection Issues

One of the most significant issues that can arise when working remotely is not being able to connect to the internet to start work. While those working from home can find they have a more reliable connection using their home internet, digital nomads or those working from other locations may struggle to get online and complete their work. This can be due to any number of issues. However, it can be a real problem, especially if you work towards tight deadlines. While you can access free wifi in public places unless you use a VPN, this can seriously affect the privacy and confidentiality of your work and open you up to the risk of scammers and cybercriminals. A portable Wifi hotspot, as well as using a VPN, can offer you a more consistent connection that is secure enough to be able to work from.

Time Management

Time management is key to the success of any remote worker. It can be easy to lose track of time when you are working remotely, mainly if you are doing a job that doesn’t require much interaction with others. To stay on top of your time, try to schedule your day, including breaks, and stick to your schedule. This will help you avoid falling into the trap of just “going with the flow” and working for too long. If you work on a project-based basis, keep your eye on the end goal by setting interim goals. This will help you to stay focused and motivated, mainly if the project is likely to last for a long time. To maintain motivation, try to set regular milestones for yourself and celebrate them when they are reached.

Feeling Isolated

Another issue that can arise when working remotely is feeling isolated, mainly if you are working alone. This can lead to feelings of low self-worth and a lack of motivation. To counter this, try to keep in contact with people in your real-life network by setting up regular calls or video calls with them. This can be particularly beneficial if you are working on a long-term project, as it will help keep you motivated and updated with industry news. If you are working alone, try to set regular goals for yourself and celebrate them when they are reached. This will help to keep you motivated and engaged in your work.

Inability To Self Motivate

If you work remotely, you may find it challenging to motivate yourself to get started on your work. However, you can do a few things to address this, such as setting regular goals for yourself, making a to-do list, and keeping a regular work schedule. If you have a regular work schedule, you’ll avoid the temptation to procrastinate and instead focus on getting your work done. Set regular times to review your to-do list and progress to ensure you accomplish your goals. This will help to keep you on track and avoid falling into the trap of getting distracted.

Not Being Able To Switch Off

One of the potential pitfalls of working remotely is that you may not be able to switch off from work, particularly if you are in an environment where you don’t feel comfortable switching off. This can lead to lower productivity, as well as anxiety and stress. To counter this, try to create an environment conducive to relaxation. This can include setting up your home office or working space away from your living area, or if you don’t have a separate room, clear away your working equipment when you have finished work as if it wasn’t there. Other options include leaving home if working from home for a walk at the end of your working day to replicate the commute and giving yourself some breathing space ready to go back home and start your home life.

Increased Risk of Miscommunication

One of the most significant issues when working remotely is miscommunication between team members, particularly in the early stages of the remote working relationship. To avoid miscommunication, it is essential to set clear expectations and to keep communication open. This can be done by setting up check-in times, accessing a virtual water cooler to connect with co-workers, or using messaging and collaboration apps such as Slack.

Technical Issues

The modern workplace is increasingly digital, with remote working arrangements often involving digital tools and apps. This can lead to issues arising, such as software bugs or internet connectivity problems. To avoid these issues from interfering with your work and slowing you down, try to keep your workspace up to date and make sure that you have the right tools and equipment to work remotely. This includes having the latest software and computer and a reliable internet connection, preferably one that doesn’t fluctuate in speed. Also, knowing how to tackle common issues, such as finding that safari could not establish a secure connection on your mac, can help you to reduce time wasted having to rectify these problems.


Working remotely offers many benefits, such as greater productivity and the opportunity to hire the best talent, regardless of where they live. However, it is essential to be aware of the potential issues that can arise when working remotely and to employ strategies to address them. To combat these issues, employers and employees can work together to find the best set up possible and ensure everyone has what they need to do the job required. This will help keep remote work a successful and enjoyable experience for all involved.


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